“A scroll of a Divorce Decree, tied with a black ribbon on a mahogany desk, with a dead white rose buttonhole from the Wedding Day, with a black pen. Copy space..”
A Texas marriage can end through either death or a court’s decree. If a party dies before judgment is rendered in a divorce case, the divorce case abates. In a recent case, a husband challenged a divorce when the decree was signed after the death of the wife.
The wife filed for divorce in October 2018, alleging insupportability, abandonment, and cruel treatment. In his counterpetition, the husband alleged insupportability, cruel treatment, and adultery.
Final Trial
At the trial on September 17, 2019, the court informed the attorneys that it needed time to make its rulings regarding the property. The court said it would email the parties with the decision. The proceedings resumed after a break on the record and the court pronounced the parties divorced and said the entry of the final decree would be ministerial.