Articles Posted in Modification

A trial court may modify a Texas child support order if there has been a material and substantial change in circumstances since the rendition of the prior order. The party seeking the modification has the burden of establishing the change in circumstances. The court may also modify an order if it has been at least three years since the prior order was rendered or modified and the order varies by 20% or $100 from the guidelines.  Tex. Fam. Code § 156.401(a).  As with many issues involving child custody or support, the court’s primary consideration should be the child’s best interest.  A father recently appealed a court’s denial of his request to modify his child support obligation due to a change in income.

Petition for Modification

According to the appeals court, the father’s monthly child support obligation under a 2015 agreed order in a modification suit was $1,231.78 and his monthly medical support obligation was $105. There were no findings as to the father’s net resources or any indication in the order that the child support was based on the guidelines.

The father petitioned for modification in October 2021, alleging a material and substantial change in his circumstances based on his income.  He requested a decrease in his child support obligation.  The mother argued that the previous modification agreement had not been based on the child support guidelines.  She further argued that a change in the father’s income did not constitute a material and substantial change in circumstances because there was no indication the parties had relied on the father’s income in setting the child support obligation in the agreed order.

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Generally, a parent seeking modification of a Texas custody order must show that there has been a material and substantial change in circumstances and that the modification is in the child’s best interest. The determination of whether there has been a material and substantial change of circumstances is fact specific.  By way of example, a material and substantial change in circumstances may include a parent’s remarriage or, when there is a request for a change in child support, a change in income. A father recently appealed a modification order that permitted the mother to relocate with the children.

The parties’ agreed divorce decree named the parties joint managing conservators and granted the mother the right to designate the children’s primary residence. Subsequently, the mother petitioned for modification in 2022 because she wanted to move to Maine with the children.  Following trial, the trial court granted the modification. Specifically the trial court ordered modified the children’s geographic restriction to include Maine, modified the father’s possession and access, and awarded the mother child support.

The father appealed, arguing that the trial court abused its discretion because there had been no substantial or material change in the parties’ or children’s circumstances, and that the move was not in the best interest of the children.

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Sometimes after agreeing to mediate or arbitrate future controversies at the time of a Texas divorce, one party may not want to follow through on that agreement when a controversy actually arises.  In other cases, the parties may disagree on whether the alternative dispute resolution provision applies to a particular claim or controversy.  In such circumstances, the party seeking arbitration may move to compel arbitration.  That party must show that there is a valid arbitration agreement and that the dispute is within the scope of the agreement.

Arbitration Provision

In a recent case, a father appealed the trial court’s denial of his motion to compel arbitration.  According to the appeals court’s opinion, the final divorce decree included an alternative dispute resolution provision.  The provision provided the parties shall mediate the controversy in good faith before setting a hearing or initiating discovery in a suit to modify the terms and conditions of conservatorship, possession, or child support, except in case of an emergency.  The provision specified it did not apply to enforcement actions.  It required a party seeking modification to give the other party written notice of the desire to mediate.  If the parties do not agree on a mediator within 10 days or the other party does not agree to or fails to attend mediation, the party seeking modification is relieved of the obligation to mediate.  The provision further provides that if a controversy could not be settled by mediation, the parties agreed to submit it to binding arbitration with a specified arbitrator.

In the fall of 2021, the father started trying to negotiate custody matters.  In July 2022, the mother’s attorney sent an email to the father’s attorney stating modifications did not need to be arbitrated. The father’s efforts to negotiate or mediate failed, and he sent an email demanding arbitration at the beginning of August.

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Generally, when a parent seeks modification of a Texas custody or visitation order, they must show that they modification would be in the child’s best interest and that there has been a material and substantial change in circumstances since the earlier of the prior order’s rendition or the date the mediated or collaborative law settlement agreement upon which the prior order was based was signed. Tex. Fam. Code 156.101. Whether there have been material and substantial changes is a significant issue in many modification cases.  In a recent case, a father challenged an order granting a no-evidence summary judgment in favor of the mother and disposing of his claims for modification.

Pursuant to the parents’ mediated settlement agreement and agreed order, neither had the exclusive right to designate the primary residence of the child, but instead each parent had the right to establish the primary residence during their possession periods within 15 miles of the child’s school.  The mother, however, was permitted to establish the primary residence during her possession at her home until she moved. Possession alternated weekly during the school year and every two weeks during the summer break.

Father Seeks Modification

In January 2021, the father moved to modify the order, alleging material and substantial changes in circumstances.  He requested the exclusive right to designate the child’s primary residence and to make a number of decisions, including to enroll the child in team sports.  He also asked that the mother be enjoined from enrolling the child in extracurricular activities that would occur during his possession.  He also asked for the right of first refusal and an expansion of the geographic restriction to two counties.

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iStock-182358076-300x200When a party in a Texas custody case fails to respond or appear, the court may find they defaulted and enter a judgment in favor of the other party.  For a court to enter a post-answer default judgment against a party, however, the pleadings must give the party fair notice of the claim.  A mother recently challenged a custody modification, arguing that the father’s pleadings did not specifically request the rights awarded to him by the court.

The trial court originally appointed both parents joint managing conservators with the mother having the right to determine the child’s primary residence without a geographic restriction in 2007.  The court also granted the father visitation and ordered him to pay child support.

The Office of the Attorney General (“OAG”) filed a petition in 2020, alleging the father’s financial circumstances had changed and seeking an increase in child support.  The father requested a hearing, which was set for March 10.

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iStock-1147846829-300x200The best interest of the child is the primary consideration in Texas custody matters, but the courts have identified factors to be considered in determining the child’s best interest in certain circumstances.  A mother recently appealed a court’s denial of her request to remove a geographic restriction, arguing the court failed to properly balance the appropriate factors.

The divorce decree gave the mother the exclusive right to designate the child’s primary residence with a geographic restriction.  It also required both parents to provide the other written notice before taking the child out of the country.

The mother married a man who lived in Oklahoma.  She ultimately petitioned for modification and requested removal of the geographic restriction. The father believed she had already moved to Oklahoma and sought the right to designate the child’s primary residence.

iStock-902725964-300x200When a judge finalizes a Texas divorce involving the custody of children, they will determine which parent has the right to determine where the child will live. However, courts will almost always place certain restrictions on that parent’s ability to relocate. While a relocation restriction may not immediately be an issue for a parent with primary custody, that may change if they obtain employment elsewhere in the state or decide to move for other reasons.


In a recent opinion issued by the Fifth District Court of Appeals in Dallas, the court rejected a mother’s request to modify a divorce decree that placed restrictions on her ability to relocate as well as her rights to travel internationally with her son. According to the court’s opinion, Mother and Father divorced in November 2016. At that time, the court gave Mother the right to determine where the child would live, provided it was within Dallas County, Collin County, or Southlake Independent School District. The divorce decree also required either parent to provide written notice to the other if they intended to travel outside the United States with their son.

In July 2017, Mother married a man who lived in Oklahoma. Mother started to spend as much time as possible in Oklahoma, and she would often take her son. Subsequently, Mother sought modification of the initial divorce decree in hopes of being able to relocate. Father filed a counter-petition, hoping to be named as their son’s conservator so he could keep the child in Dallas County, Collin County, or Southlake Independent School District.

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iStock-902725964-300x200A court may modify a Texas custody order if doing so is in the child’s best interest and there has been a material and substantial change in circumstances.  The party seeking modification must show the conditions at the time of the prior order and the subsequent changes.  To determine if there has been a substantial and material change, the factfinder must be able to compare historical and current evidence. A mother recently challenged a custody modification, arguing the father had not presented evidence of the circumstances at the time of the divorce.

According to the appeals court’s opinion, the 2018 agreed divorce decree appointed the parents joint managing conservators and gave the mother the exclusive right to designate the children’s primary residence.

The father petitioned for modification and the exclusive right to designate the children’s primary residence after the mother’s nanny told him the stepfather was abusing them.

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iStock-543681178-300x200A final and unambiguous Texas divorce decree that disposes of all of the marital property generally may not be relitigated.  The Texas Family Code allows the trial court to keep continuing subject matter jurisdiction to clarify and enforce the property division, but it cannot change or modify it.  In a recent case, a wife challenged an order purporting to clarify the division of the husband’s military retirement nearly 25 years after the divorce.

The parties divorced in 1996.  In the decree, the trial court found they were married for at least 18 years and 11 months and the husband had served at least 13 years and 9 months “of creditable service toward retirement.”

Trial Court Awards Wife 50% of Husband’s Military Retirement

The trial court awarded the wife “[a]ll right, title, and interest in and to fifty (50) percent of [the husband’s military] disposable retired or retainer pay” and 50% of all increases in the disposable retirement or retainer pay. The husband served for several more years.

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judge-and-gavel-in-courtroom-171096040-583b48533df78c6f6af9f0e3-300x225A Texas conservatorship order may be modified if doing so is in the child’s best interest and there’s been a material and substantial change in circumstances.  When a parent seeks modification, the other parent may file a counter-petition seeking their own modification.  In a recent case, a mother appealed a modification order in favor of the father after she had petitioned for modification.

According to the appeals court’s opinion, when the parties divorced, the trial court approved their agreement to be joint managing conservators with 50/50 custody.  The mother petitioned for modification, seeking primary custody and educational decision-making.   The father also sought appointment as primary conservator. He asked for modification allowing him to impose reasonable discipline and to limit the mother’s phone contact during his possession.

The mother pointed to the father’s allowing the son to stay alone, behavior at sporting events, storage of a gun, and a text message asking her to pick up the children because “he was done” with them.

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