
Articles Posted in coparenting


Parentage in the Modern Era: What to Know When Baby is on the Way and No Wedding Day

Parenting is hard. Those three words are enough to capture the entire outlook of parenthood from the moment that the sweet child enters the world. In today’s world, parenting has taken on a number of new issues such as parenting after a divorce, as an unmarried couple; single parenting; and…


Giving Children a Voice in Custody Disputes

Many people ask: Can my children decide where they want to live in a divorce? There are many ways for a court to consider children’s input about where they want to live. The first way is simply allowing children to talk to the judge. Section 153.009 of the Texas Family…


Life After Divorce- Ways to Successfully Coparent After You Split

If you’re in the middle of a divorce, it may seem impossible, but it is essential for you to healthily coparent with your spouse/ex-spouse after you split for the sake of the children. Luckily, there have been many celebrities publicly demonstrating this positive behavior such as Gwyneth and Chris Martin, Jennifer…

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